If you are a player of clash of clans, then you already know the builder base or the night base. This is the new addition to the clash of clans game. It introduces an entire new camp with an equivalent town hall called the builder hall and other buildings for training troops, researching, and for defense purposes. This new addition to the clash of clans game had two effects on players. First, the players became introduced to an entire new camp that must be upgraded also to succeed in playing the game. And second, the mechanics of the game has become more complicated because of the massive addition into the game.
Regardless, if you are a passionate player of clash of clans, then you must be desiring to be successful in playing it. This article will teach you how to do that. Specifically, you will learn here how to manage your builder base camp and how you can use the clash of clans mod to be able to instantly become successful in playing this game. You will learn here the defenses, offenses, and resources of the builder base.
Defense Buildings
- Roaster – the roaster is a defensive building in the builder base that can be unlocked once the builder hall attains level 6. The roaster shoots scalding plasma into enemies. Although the damage per hit is low, it shoots very fast.
- Giant Cannon – the giant cannon is another defensive building in the builder base that can be unlocked at builder hall level 7. It shoots cannon ball that pierces through enemy troops allowing it to damage multiple troops at the same time. The farther the cannon ball has to travel, the slower it becomes.
- Mega Tesla – the mega tesla is a defensive building that can be unlocked at builder hall level 8. The mega tesla deals chain damage. First, it electrified an enemy within its radius of range. Second, if another enemy is within 3 tiles away from the one getting electrified, the electrification will extend to that troop so it will be attacked as well.
- Multi Mortar – the multi mortar can be unlocked at builder hall level 5. It deals splash damage to the enemy troops aimed at. There are four shoots done per blast released by the multi mortar.
Army Buildings
- Builder Barracks – the builder barracks allows you to train troops in the builder base. The troops trained here are similar to the ones available in the day camp. However, they all possess special abilities that make them stronger than the regular troops. For instance, the night witch summons bats that attach other enemies. When it dies, its ability called Bat Swarm gets activated. It explodes while dealing damage to surrounding enemy troops and also turns to a pile of bats.
- Army Camp – the army camp in the builder base is where you store your builder barracks troops to be used for versus battles. More troops can be stored in the army camp not by upgrading the arm camp itself but by researching in the star laboratory.
- Star laboratory – the star laboratory is unlocked after you reach builder hall level 2. It can be used to upgrade troops so that they learn their special abilities, their health increases, and their damage increases.
- Battle machine Altar – the battle machine altar can be repaired once you reach level 5 of the builder hall. This battle machine altar houses the very powerful battle machine. The battle machine can be used by you in battles to fight enemies it deals heavy damage by smashing enemies using its hammer. It has an ability called Electric Hammer unlocked at level 5.
- Builder Gold – the builder gold of the builder base corresponds to the gold in your village. The builder gold can be collected using the gold mine. They will be stored on gold storages. You cannot use the builder gold in your village base.
- Builder Elixir – the builder elixir of the builder base corresponds to the elixir in your village. The builder elixir can be collected using the elixir collector. They will be stored in elixir storages. You cannot use the builder elixir in your village base.
- Gems – you can obtain gems in the builder base using the gems mine. But that can really take a very long time. You can do in app purchases to increase your number of gems. You can clear rocks and trees in the village to obtain gems. Gems are the rarest kinds of resource in the game of clash of clans.
Clash of Clans Mod
Similar to the case of the village, to become stronger in your builder base, you must do upgrading constantly. You should have lots of resources to be able to strengthen and improve both your defenses and offenses in the builder base.
You can upgrade your build hall using the clash of clans mod so that you will be able to unlock more upgrades to be done. You can also use the mod to research constantly and instantly using the star laboratory. There, you will unlock more powerful builder base troops. You can also use the clash of clans mod to be able to complete any upgrading or researching happening at the moment. Basically, the clash of clans mod will enable you to progress into the game in the shortest amount of time possible. You can gain infinite amounts of gems using it so that you can finish all upgrades or researches happening at the moment. Then, you can train your most powerful troops to be used in versus battles. Without a doubt, you will be able to reach new heights in your clash of clans game with such a mod.